Monthly subscription
A subscription to Vithèque gives you access to more than 2000 videos with unlimited streaming on all of your devices for just $7.99 CAD per month. From documentary, fiction and animation to video art, installation video, experimental cinema and dance video – Vithèque presents independent filmmaking from Quebec and elsewhere in all its forms.
Half of the revenue generated by Vithèque goes straight to the artists. Vithèque was designed and is managed and hosted in Quebec. Find out more here.

Terms of use
Monthly subscription is strictly reserved for private and personal use. All works and all texts published on Vithèque are protected under the Canadian Copyright Act. In subscribing, you agree to honor all copyrights and Vithèque’s general terms of use.
Use of the works and/or content on Vithèque for any other means must be specifically agreed with Vidéographe, including: public dissemination of any type and in any context (free or paid); any use of images or clips; the purchasing and presentation of works by educational institutions and libraries, and any acquisition of works by museums, etc. Copying or sharing works by any means is prohibited. Please address any requests or questions to
We reserve the right to terminate a subscription without prior warning should users not respect the terms of use. Any violation of these conditions is liable to prosecution in accordance with current legislation in Quebec and Canada.
Payment will be taken from your credit card on a fixed date each month via Stripe, a secure payment gateway. Subscription does not necessitate a contract and will be renewed automatically until such time as you decide to cancel. Subscription can be terminated easily at any time from your user profile page. You will then retain access to the service until the end of the relevant billing period. Subscription may not be transferred, shared or reimbursed.
We are committed to maintaining the privacy and security of your personal information. All payment information will be retained by Stripe and remains strictly confidential. You will receive emails pertaining only to your subscription (confirmation, cancelation, etc.).
Videographe members: please create a pro account
Professionals (curators, programmers, buyers): please create a pro account
UQAM and Concordia students: please see with your library.
BANQ users: please see with the library
Libraries and schools: please contact