À l'insu du plein gré

À l’insu du plein gré is a documentary on Quebec cinema. The principal purpose of this film is to show the different issues involved in film production and distribution and especially in the relationship between artistic creation and the processes of financing, publicising and promoting a film. The film also attempts to draw out the little-known battles behind the scenes and to raise the awareness of viewers concerning the difficulties of Quebec filmmakers as they try to distance themselves from the narrative norms imposed by Hollywood and Canadian television. The film gives voice to some of the eminent figures of Quebec cinema, including Germain Houde, André Turpin, Louis Saïa, Denis Villeneuve, Michel Brault, Robert Morin, Juliette Ruer, Alexis Martin, Michel Coulombe, Micheline Lanctôt, Denis Chouinard... Those questions are also asked to representatives of the two major cinema institutions in Quebec: Téléfilm Canada and SODEC.
Technical information
Commentary by Claire Valade, Film critic from Quebec
Best seen, if possible, with Cinéma québécois: le problème d'une industrie by Denis Cioffi, Eugene Gagnadre, Bernard Lemay and Denis Vaillancourt (also distributed by Vidéographe), made 25 years earlier, in 1975, if only to better appreciate the extent to which the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Cinema, Filmmakers, Interviews, History, Art