Entrevue/vidéo avec Francis Dupuis-Déri, politologue et écrivain

Francis Dupuis-Déri is an author, professor of political science at UQAM and researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at the Institut de recherches et d’études féministes. He is a contributor to newspapers and to the magazines Alternatives, Le Couac, Argument, Possibles and Mouvements, and also appears as an analyst on Radio-Canada. He works in particular on alternative globalisation and anarchism and has been active in collectives with anarchist tendencies and against police repression. Francis Dupuis-Déri is co-founder of the Zapartistes, a collective of politically engaged humorists. He is the author of L’Erreur humaine (Leméac, 1991), L’Archipel identitaire (Boréal, 1997), Love & Rage (Leméac, 1998), Les Black Blocs (Lux Lux, 2003), Identité mosaïques (Boréal, 2004), L’Éthique du vampire (Lux, 2007) and Le mouvement masculiniste au Québec : L’antiféminisme démasqué (Remue-Ménage), 2008.
Technical information
Activism, Government, Immigration, Literature, Demonstration, Anti-globalization