Entrevue/vidéo avec Philippe Côté, Intellectuel Tout Terrain (ITT)

Philippe Côté is coordinator of the Atelier du patrimoine urbain de Montréal, chairperson of the artist-run centre 3e impérial in Granby, vice chair of the Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérées du Québec and member of the political board of Projet Montréal. He helped coordinate the Table en aménagement du Centre-Sud, has been a board member of the CDEC Centre-Sud/Plateau and was honorary president of the fifth edition of Champ Libre, “Cité des ondes”, in 2001. He writes, exhibits his art works, gives lectures and thinks about Montreal’s urban ecosystems.
Technical information
Architecture, Science, Sculpture, Philosophy, Desire, Psychoanalysis