Ice Philosophy

Sometimes, in men's ice cold eyes, only scarce things become precious. Therefore, a man travels the globe in search of ice from the last standing glaciers.
Technical information
Artists’ Statement : Olivier Higgins and Mélanie Carrier
Through adventure, Asiemut, our first film, is an opening onto the world and suggests that every path leads to another human being. "To discover the other is to discover oneself." Our current documentary film projects follow on logically from this first film. After creating a work at the other end of the world about the paths in life, we have come back home in order better inspect our own house, which we are unfamiliar with. To redefine social cohesion, but with a local flavour. Because entering into relationships with others is to weave one’s identity, both individual and collective, beginning with one’s family, friends, neighbours, neighbourhood, city... This, for us, is the driving force of life. In Rencontre, as in Québékoisie and L’Homme de glace, our personal and perpetual questions are incorporated into the script. We go from "I" to "we" and give voice to all those who identify with the Earth which saw our birth. Our artistic project is inspired by Frédéric Back’s sensibility, Pierre Perrault’s curiosity and Hugo Latulippe’s fury. And, like them, humanism transcends our creation. We seek action, the gesture which, full of meaning, is part of a universal day-to-day life. We always strive to ensure that our films, in addition to their documentary content, are a complete work of art. That they "last", that they create a connection between the past, present and future.
Ice, Iceland, Collection, Rarity, Tasting