Improvisations : nouvelle musique au Québec

This video illustrates the emergence of non-commercial and improvisational music of the 70's. We are introduced to various groups and their individual members through a series of interviews and recording sessions. The video captures improvisational sequences showcasing the musicians' expressions, their gestures and their instruments. The musicians believe that their music is above all an improvisational and experimental means of expression. Addressed within the video are the problems that the independent Québécois music scene must face, particularly in the areas of recognition and promotion. Musicians Raymond Gervais, Robert Lepage and Yves Bouliane discuss the process of musical creation and the idea of forming a cooperative to protect their rights and their right to work in better conditions. The video combines musical improvisations (jazz and contemporary music) and interviews about collective creation.
Technical information
Music, Artist, Improvisation, Expression, Creation, Claiming