Indépendant... Dix ans... Toutes ses dents!

In Rimouski, a group of dedicated people has been publishing and keeping alive Le Mouton NOIR (The BLACK Sheep), a newspaper of opinion and information which is published every two months and distributed throughout Quebec. This newspaper, often without a dime, has sailed for ten years against the tide on a sea of mass media concentrated in the hands of a few. The documentary Indépendant… Dix ans… Toutes ses dents! presents an assessment of the ten first years of this independent newspaper in which collaborate writers of several regions of Quebec. Le Mouton NOIR supports the frank and direct standpoint, the quality of writing and contents. It presents chronicles, opinions, letters, interviews, dossiers and analyses. The principal criterion of selection of the texts is the quality of writing. The film presents the history and the impact of the newspaper in its region, by taking for example its implication against a discussed project of construction in a wild zone nearby the village of Bic, which finally fell, in front of the popular opposition. The film also analyzes the situation of the independent press in Quebec and questions the concepts of opinion and objectivity in the world of information.
Technical information
Journalism, Voluntary work, Region, Independence, Assertion, Press, Information