
Documentary about the vast political mobilization that took place in Quebec during the spring of 2012. Initially propelled by the student strike for accessible education, the scope of the movement soon broadened to take on the government, the impunity and violence of the Montreal police force, the exploitation of untapped natural resources, and the current economic system.
"The strength of the strike is rooted in anonymity. The movement allows the common to flow through dispersal, reaching into the solitude of each protester. Each one recognizes her situation in that of the others; affective resonance is transmuted to a point of fusion. Repression can only break up linear collectivities; here, at every turn, at every corner, the common returns in a swarm." (Us the Forest, Épopée, 2012)
Technical information
Insurgence is also a part of the installation Fraction (2016).
Habib, André, "Voir Insurgence—ou la question du cinéma (pour en finir)", Spirale, Hors série no. 1 : Épopée, 2013, p. 86-88.
Gajan, Philippe. "La société du spectacle, encore et toujours : Leviathan vs Insurgence à l’ère du numérique", 24 images, no 160, décembre 2012-janvier, 2013, p. 58–59.
Spirale, Hors Série no.1 : Épopée, 2013.
Groupe Épopée, Nous la forêt, 2012.
"Nous la forêt—A Conversation with Épopée on the Quebec Student Uprising", Scapegoat Journal, 2013, p. 52-59.
Strike, students, activists, politics, Social movements