Intégrale Jean-Pierre Boyer

Using several videotext and sound treatment procedures, this pionneer of experimental video in Québec has systematically explored the linguistic possibilities of electronic imaging. This in light of developing poetic and cinematic abstractions granting access to unimagined universes in which living and artificial organisms join together at the frontier of the infinitely small and the infinitely large. These works, produced with very limited means, clearly attest to the fact that technology is not an end in itself but rather one means among so many others of triggering the human imagination and of imparting a possible meaning to the complex world in which we live.
Analog et Alpha
Le Chant magnétique
L'eau d'oubli et Flux 2
Vidéogrammes inédits
Technical information
Langill, Caroline. Shifting Polarities - Interview with Jean-Pierre Boyer, Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology, 2009.
Jean-Pierre Boyer collection, Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology, 2011.
Fillion, Eric. "L’image électronique vue par Jean-Pierre Boyer, du feedback au vidéo-cortex", Hors champ, juillet 2013.
Abstraction, experimentation, image processing, sound design