J’veux pas aller à Saint-Charles-Borromée

In October 2003, a scandal happens at the Saint-Charles-Borromée's home for handicapped people. A hidden recorder proves that some residents have been victims of serious mistreatments. The health minister, Philippe Couillard, decides to take direct control of the institution and the director commit suicide. One year later, Yves Langlois, a film maker and his team returned at the residence to see how the situation evolved. According to the minister and the new director: "Most problems have been solved". But according to the experts like Gyslaine Desrosiers, president of the nurses association of Quebec: "We have seen serious problems in the organisation and in the treatments. According to the residents : "It's worst than before. We are in jail!". With specialists as the autor Marguerite Mérette (Pour la liberté d'être, éd. Logiques 2004), Hélène Rumak (Handicap-Vie-Dignité) and the lawyer Jean-Pierre Ménard, Yves Langlois, psychosociologist himself, analyses the causes of that desaster and look for solutions.
Technical information
Institution, Residence, Accommodation, Handicap, Treatment, Care