La réplique

Through extracts from a day of auditions, La réplique creates a portrait of a young woman who wants to prove herself as an actress. Her role is eventually limited to providing auditioning actors with their lines.
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"With La Réplique, a small gem directed by Chloé Leriche, Isabelle Blais gives a star turn, mugging it up as an actor eager to show off her acting chops, even if she is really only present to read the lines («faire la réplique») while the male role is auditioned. Blais's extraordinary range of comic facial expressions and gestures, performed while a set of amusingly implausible, yet all too plausible, young men audition for the role are enough to make a trip to see this program worthwhile."
CAPELOVITCH, Roberta. "Short Takes on 'The Couple'", p. 1. [] (21 November 2002)
Audition, Acting, Actor