L'autogestion au Québec

For many Quebeckers, self-management is synonymous with "Tricofil". Although this event had its ups and downs, Tricofil was not Quebec's first encounter with self-management. There were more positive antecedents : forestry co-operatives; the Harpell printing co-op; the J.A.L. But today, self-management is increasingly popular. Since the early '80s, self-managed enterprises have been rapidly developing. In response to this increase, the Fédération québécoise des coopératives de travail was founded in September of 1985. How can these co-operatives respond to our needs and expectations? How do they work? What real impact do they have on the Quebec economy? This documentary attempts to answer some of these questions.
Technical information
Cooperative, Culture, Economy, Self-management, Work