Le soleil brille pour tout le monde mais les hommes préfèrent les blondes

The Festival du Nouveau Cinéma of Montreal, in its 37th year, invited me to make three little video sequences in different locations in the city : a subway station, the Grande Bibliothèque and the FNC Lab. "The cinema" was the obligatory subject. I could not use any sound, because they did not want my work to disturb people. They also told me we live in a world with far too many images already. So for sure, I added more. Made in collaboration with Vidéographe, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec and the Société de transport de Montréal.
Technical information
Made at the invitation of the Festival du nouveau cinéma of Montreal.
Imposed topic : the cinema.
Condition : no sound.
Thought, Fantasy, Cinema