The Night Wolves biker gang, founded in 1985, is the first of its kind in the former USSR, and the leader among Moscovite youth. Inspired by the rock 'n roll America of the 60's, this select fringe club promotes individual and cultural freedom. The members of the group adopted a 1950's Hell's Angels lifestyle, while remaining deeply Russian. By belonging to this larger group, they are able to make contact with the West. The videomakers captured the life of the group and the Moscovite atmosphere in an intimate and sensitive way. Les Loups captures the profound changes that followed Perestroïka, and shares with us the life of the agents of change that is sweeping Russia.
Technical information
“Les Loups plunges us into the underground world of Moscow’s motorcycle gangs, a community that has grown rapidly since the fall of communism. A hard world, shown with sensibility and without pre-judgment”.
ROBERGE, Huguette. “Deux films saisissants sur la Russie à l’heure américaine”, La Presse, Montreal, (14 December 1995), p. D-7.
Microculture, Voluntary work, Charity, Marginality, Motorcyclist, Russia