Les luttes urbaines à Montréal

This documentary describes the evolution of citizens’ organizations and their role in the city’s struggles from the early 60’s to 1976. The document exposes its thesis : from the sixties, the infrastructure's development in Montréal was dominated by the capital and didn't serve the needs and interests of the tenants-citizens, Interviews with theoricians, various interveners, members of the FRAP and RCM form the content of this documentary illustrated with photos and picutres of housing. In the first stage, citizens’ committees were mainly based on participation and charity work. From 1969 onward, they were gathered under the aegis of the FRAP and they became more militant and formed part of the union movement. The third stage saw a dissolution of political action committees that were based on a Marxist-Leninist ideology. The documentary describes some of the later struggles : Milton park, the east-west autoroute, and rue St-Norbert.
Technical information
Claiming, Expansion, District, Housing, Montreal, cities