L'homme au yoyo meurtrier

This is a parody of the silent fantasy film, recounting the story of a mad professor who invents a killer yo-yo, a weapon that will allow him to wreak revenge on the human race. Told in the style of a police story, the narrator speaks in a pompous voice and the actors use grotesque mime to play their parts. Close-up shots highlight their expressions and gestures. The action of the professor's weapon on his victims is illustrated by special video effects. The victims disappear from the image and a video inversion reveals that they have crossed the border of the universe. The invasion of white color on the image until the point of saturation signifies their annihilation. The professor falls in love with a young woman and kidnaps her. In a turn of fate, the young woman decides to spy on the professor in his lab and inadvertently sets off the yo-yo. The professor tries to rescue her but inadvertantly he receives the fatal blow and sinks into oblivion symbolized by the typical waves of the video feed-back which swallow him. Original music gives a rythm to the different phases of action.
Technical information
Weapon, Love, Obsession, Crime