Luttopie : rêver d’un monde avec tout le monde dedans

"Whoever does not dream does not succeed!" That is just the motto of the hundred artists, researchers, social workers and military personnel who participated in the second Festival international des résistances et des utopies organised by Ne pas plier (Do Not Back Down) association in the Paris suburb Ivy-Sur-Seine in October 2001. These Utopians, who are actively involved in numerous political and social battles alongside the unemployed, immigrants (legal and illegal) and other groups finding themselves marginalised and oppressed in our neo-liberal society, meet to share their experiences and discuss the three main themes common to their actions : public education, new kinds of political involvement and trans-local solidarity networks.
Technical information
Commentary by Claire Valade, Film critic from Quebec
Best seen with Les arts de la résistance by Alexandra Guité and Mosaïque Amériques by Alexandrine Bourdouxhe. With their anti-globalization themes, discourse that denounces injustice and social inequality, the air of hope and positive energy they exude, and the innovative, inspiring solutions they offer for the major problems facing the world today, these three films have an affinity, speak to each other, and complete each other in spite of their very different subject matter. Essential viewing for everyone who wants to change the world, starting in their own backyard, and proof that political struggles can follow surprising paths, fuelled by the education of the masses.
Education, Hope, Change, Creativity, Social struggle, Community