Out of Kerr’s Suitcase

Memory in three acts. A boy opens his presents. Two men open a suitcase stuffed with photographs. An aging actress opens her heart to lost love and ancient rivalries.
Technical information
All photographs are by Montreal photographer David Kerr (1945-2007). Donigan Cumming also published a book of his work: Kerr's Suitcase, Montreal, Maquam Press, 2015, 166 pp.
The third part of the video was filmed for the exhibition A LIFE IN PHOTOGRAPHY: KERR'S SUITCASE // UNE VIE EN PHOTGRAPHIE : LA VALISE DE KERR presented during the 18th RIDM - Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal from November 12 to 22, 2015.
See also:
Cumming, Donigan. Kerr’s Suitcase. Montreal: Maquam Press, 2015, 166 p.
Photography, Memories, Interviews, Artists