Québec-Chili : entretien avec le Docteur Serge Mongeau

Doctor Mongeau exposes the conditions of life and the political situation which overcame Chili after the putsch of the military junta lead by Augusto Pinochet. Doctor Mongeau expresses his personal vision and gives a discourse infused with Marxism. He points out that the increase in repression after the putsch has favored the politicization of the proletarian and middle classes. He compares this situation to the one in Québec, where the middle and working classes, satisfied by their conditions of life and not subjected to a direct repression, are not politicized, and can’t commit themselves to socialism. Finally, he gives his opinion about the connivance between the Canadian government and the junta, he asks for the end of the diplomatic relations, for the respect of the human rights, or at least, neutrality of the Canadian government.
Technical information
Chile, Social class, Repression