Tears of Inge

A profound human-animal and human-nature relationship is represented by a painted world filled with a camel's emotion and tears. It is based on a real Mongolian nomadic story narrated by my grandmother.
Technical information
"Tears of Inge was painted frame by frame with the straight-ahead under-camera technique. It was painted on one piece of thick water color paper with oil pastel and mixed painting materials. Every new frame was achieved by adding and removing colors from previous frames, including the transitions and morphs between scenes. So the movement was achieved by the repetition of covering and removing paints on the same piece of paper. It was shot on a Canon digital still camera which was connected to the software Dragonframe on a computer. It took me about six months to animate the film." From the artist's web site
Q&A with Aesthetica Short Film Festival Filmmaker Alisi Telengut, Tears of Inge
Animals, nature, Mongolia, nomads, environment