The Bat Ear

Our physical appearance is the most visible, the most accessible element for anyone watching us. However, it is the result of long family stories, love stories, accidents. It is common to hear around a cradle: "he has the eyes of his father" or "it's amazing how she looks like her mother". Where does this human propensity to look in each of us for the physical resemblance that betrays filiation, identity? It's almost a commonplace, but obviously it can sometimes touch something very intimate. The Bat ear questions the question of transmission, belonging and recognition through the prism of physical resemblance. For this, Lucie Szechter uses her own story as a starting point to better reach the others and collect their stories. To start from the infinitely small and observe the links that bind us and sometimes divide us at the level of a family, a couple or in our collective imaginations in regards to the resemblance. Because deep down, she can see that this protruding ear is her mother's. But the rest of her face, whose is it?