Tupac Amauta (premier chant)

Tupac Amaru was the descendant of the last Inca prince. Nine years before the French Revolution, he launched the great insurrection of "Los Indios" against Spanish domination, not only in Peru, but all over Latin-Amerindian continent. "Amauta", which means "the wise man" or the "intellectual" in the quecha language, was the ideal pen and battle name used by "Los Indios" to speak of José Carlos Mariategui, the greatest politcal thinker of Latin America. Tupac Amauta is offered as the last electronic poem of a trilogy on the dream-evolution of our time, on the terrible holocausts of the Conquest, on five hundred years of domination of marvellous civilization.
Technical information
Inca, Prince, Insurrection, Conquest, Peru