A Cold Night in February

An actor prepares to perform on a couch. He listens to songs from his past for inspiration. Later, spectators watch his performance seated on the same couch. This couch has a history. Various things have slipped between the cushions. All these elements begin to intersect and overlap one another.
Technical information
"With installations, the audience is no longer witness to the labour so central to Sewraj’s early work. Now it must be contextually understood by the viewer rather than performed by the subject. This continuum manifests most effectively in A Cold Night in February, a heart-wrenching projection in which the viewer must take a seat on the living room couch at the end defined by markers on the floor. Once seated the image of a man weeping at the opposite end of the couch appears on the screen in front. The viewer/subject is compelled to but can never comfort the weeping man at the other end of the living room couch because to shift from the markers is to trigger the fade of the weeping man."
INKSTER, Dana. "Video Works of Yudi Sewraj: Endurance", 2005 [http://www.cinesalon.ca/reviewsewraj.html] (Consulted on June 2th 2011)