Bonbons bijoux

"A narcissistic video composed of brief sequences of gossip, because the truth is fleeting. And the frame? The frame is me. Bonbons bijoux transports us into the intimacy of one's dwelling. The artist uses language mockingly in order to emphasize the difficult presence of candour, self-referentiality and authenticity. Bonbons bijoux carries us to the cutting edge of ''feminine grace''. Innocence, mischief and naïveté lose their negative connotations. Laliberté appropriates these titles and disrupts their meanings through incongruent associations of words, objects and ideas. The artist confounds and undoes the preconceived limits between girl and woman, between naïveté and perversity."
Curator Élaine Frigon, La Centrale, Galerie Powerhouse
Technical information
Speech, Woman, Association, Idea, Concept