Comet families

I took my time. I investigated my own cosmo-gene-archeology. I unearthed dreamlike fragments of history and fished melodies out of the waves. I found traces of my family's journey in Agathe's hair, in the moonlight and in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. I felt the relative gravity of bodies, the dense silence of the rocks and the amusing chaos of comet families.
Comet families combines collage, performance, video and animation to create a surreal universe in which different scales of space and time are entangled. An atonal soundtrack sculpts and sets the rhythm for the slow evolution of this single-channel video in which I investigate my geographic and cosmic origins. In excavating my family archives, the landscape that surrounds me and my corporeal memory, I am attempting to retrace the signs of my ancestral belonging in the world. Musical improvisation and dance enable me to choreograph moving images that evoke the mysterious and living nature of this research.
Technical information
This video was produced with the support of LOBE (Chicoutimi) and Vidéographe (Montreal).