Contes pour enfants pas sages

Contes pour enfants pas sages tells the story of a meeting between animal and man. It employs narratives, vignettes, and maxims through which tenderness, humor, absurdity, sweetness, anger, poetry, revolt, hope and despair are interwoven. Through the use of poetic language that accents the natural backdrop of a beautful island, colors, images, dreams and the physical world act as doors opening onto an enchanted universe, both visually and aurally. This expressive language is playful and musical and woven expertly in the hands of narrator and comedian Petra Schulz, who directs her narrative to an audience consisting of an ostrich, little Tom Thumb, a giraffe, a water buffalo, a caged lion, a donkey, an antelope, an irritable dromedary, a lecturer, a horse, and a caretaker. These stories become further animate in the brays, trumpet calls, whispers, teeth-gnashings and cries of the animals. While some of the animals lead fortunate lives, marking their footprints alongside those of man, other animals are less fortunate. Language frees the animals at last to denounce injustice and allows us to discover a resonance within our own lives.
Technical information
Animality, Animals, Humanity, Humor, Absurd