Ephemeris is a video journal that covers the year 1995, from January to December. This contemplative work closely follows the seasonal changes of the North American wilderness. "A journal of those little things, of months, of seasons, of changes, of those fleeting moments, elusive, that disappear in the instant of becoming, that make up the year."
Katherine Liberovskay
Technical information
"[...] Ephemeris (1996), by Katherine Liberobskaya, shows the cycle of seasons. Magnificent images of nature are joined with texts written at the bottom of the image : the names of the world’s celebrations, like threats to peace, followed by real events. "Purim, St. Patrick’s Day, International Women’s Day. A leader of the Cali cartel is arrested. Yom Kippur. Durga Puja. O.J. Simpson is acquitted. Saint Nicholas Day. The residents of Sarajevo celebrate Christmas"."
BÉDARIDA, Catherine. «Le cinéma québécois se recycle dans le vidéo», Le Monde, Montreal, 24 October 1996.
Contemplation, Time, Nature, Landscape, Change