Great Divide

Great Divide is a two-channel video piece which explores the themes of movement and communication. Through a series of tableaux, like an open encyclopaedia, the observer is made aware of connections between systems which are specific to the ecology of human thought and to its universe.
Technical information
"In 1989, Daniel Dion presented his installation Anicca at the Musée d’art contemporain. He was back at it in April 1990, at Oboro, with a splendid work, an installation for two screens entitled Great Divide/Grande Barrière, made at the Banff Centre School of Fine Arts, where he had carried out a residency. Great Divide takes up where Anicca left off, continuing his enquiry into the polarisation between people and nature and the symbolic dialogue we maintain with our environment. The installation was shown again at the 19th edition of the Festival international du nouveau cinéma et de la vidéo de Montréal".
CARRIÈRE, Daniel. «La vidéo québécoise», Les Idéaux menacés, pp. 59-60.
Nature, Body, Movement, Landscape, Experimental