
"Horses are lucky, they’re stuck with the war same as us, but nobody expects them to be in favor of it, to pretend to believe in it.” An allegory recycling images from the past, still relevant to the present moment.
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Source Material
Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967) by John Huston
The Swimmer (1968) by Frank Perry
The Black Stallion (1979) by Carroll Ballard
Rumba Rhapsody (1948), Mandala Symphony II (1960), Bugaku Lento (1962), Theme from Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967) by Toshiro Mayuzumi
3:20:22 I bet you never knew I had a big crush on you. / Je suis convaincue que tu ne savais même pas que j’avais le béguin pour toi.
3:24:13 I was mad about you. / J’étais folle de toi.
3:26:06 I was just a kid to you but you were a god to me. / Je n’étais qu’une enfant pour toi mais tu étais un dieu pour moi.
Cinema, animals, horses, reuse, sexuality