Le voyage de l'ogre

Identifying himself intimately with serial killer John Wayne Gacy, the director uses the camera to take hold of the actors, constructing fantasies that lead them to believe they are the victims in a film yet to be made. The young men, aged 19 to 26, speak from the heart about love and prostitution. Their search leads us into another world. Is this the world of John Wayne Gacy?
Technical information
"Le voyage de l’ogre starts here, against an urban backdrop, where Montreal becomes the place par excellence for the hunt for special kinds of friendships and fugitive relations with prostitutes, forbidden love, the most unbridled sexual impulses. Marc Paradis, a talented video maker whose work stirs controversy [...] takes a crucial and beneficial look at homosexual imagery and the role of seduction and desire in romantic relationships. [...] We sense in his work a never-ending quest to scrutinize, with neither complaisance nor crimping, our strategies for looking at others and the mechanisms of sexuality in modern society".
CRON, Marie-Michèle. « Marc Paradis, enfer et damnation », Le Devoir, Montreal, April 6 1992.