
A lovers' rendez-vous coincides with an imaginary erotic encounter. Real time is superimposed onto a dream of desire and pleasure, where male and female bodies become animated images in a uni-dimensional space. The body is highlighted in this video ; feedback effects are related to the images of the lovers and give the impression of bodies that can radiate thoughts and desires. Female and male images are superimposed upon one another but they never join. The filming techniques employed involved shooting the characters separately on a white background and subsequently uniting them through such special effects as negative-positive and fade-in and fade-out within the edit. According to Mousse Guernon, this work is the first erotic animation video.
Technical information
Commentary by Nicole Gingras, Curator
This video combines audio-visual experimentation with fictional situations : a woman’s fantasy of an erotic encounter reconstructed through editing and borderline-psychedelic video effects. An exploration of female sensuality that doubles as an exploration of the electronic signal as used in video.
Body, Eroticism, Fantasy