Paula is a portrait in the style of the great painters of the Renaissance, a moment in history when painters had abandoned their religious inclinations to focus on humanity. In Paula, humanity is precarious. She alternates between pleasure and pain, and laboriously attempts to keep herself together.
Technical information
"For six minutes, we see Paula’s face in slow-motion, accompanied by diverse cries and echolalia. The particularity of this film derives from the fact that, shot in 16mm colour, the video camera captures images directly from the screen of the monitor, producing a slightly pulsating image, while the slow motion holds the image at the outer limits of movement and immortality. In the end, the film has a great power and is poetically evocative, as if the fragility of the almost freeze-frame film-video image reproduction evoked the fragility of life itself".
GAGNON, Jean. "La présence américaine au festival: Le langage vidéo from Boston", Le Devoir, Montreal, (October 26, 1984), p. 6.
Portrait, Photography, Fragility