Technical information
"If in a technical sense, the video image is an image in movement merely because of its temporal nature [...], one is by no means bound to immediately designate it as such. "Image Shifts" seems more appropriate for describing those productions that work on the temporality of the electronic image to explore displacement, passage, change of position, quivering, agitation and migration. Manon Labrecque's videography strikes me as unique in this respect : the image is in movement insofar as the movement itself becomes manifest by the body that the electronics both stages and throws into crisis. Video becomes an aesthetics of motility, providing the subject with an ability to move, which is deployed in terms of convulsion, falling, fast-forwarding/rewinding, speeding-up/slow-motion. The particularity of this way of working is based on the fact that motility always refers to a limit - the technical limits of video as much as the psychological limits of the subject - that the video artist seeks to integrate into the very notion of movement."
ROSS, Christine. "Contemporary Knots: The Videography of Manon Labrecque", p.108-110.
Fall, Game, Movement, Slow motion