Tableau 16

A shadow falls mutely across the face of a child. Their eyes slowly open and close. To record a face is to record the surface, the grain of the skin, the image become tactile. A gaze is just a gaze. Time that is slow and questioning. One is invited to take the time to appropriate a dream as an image of remembrance. The constant devolution of surface towards the interior suggests the question : does a portrait require immobility?
Technical information
"[...] a veritable dream transcended by splendid images which this video maker, who cut his teeth in painting, explores in and through this child’s face, as fluid and shifting as a waterfall and whose eyes lead us to another gaze, that of the landscape formed by the broken up and fixed flesh in the video’s expanses of colour, a sort of naturalist canvas in which the portrait, like something crystalline, is lost in an enigmatic depth".
CRON, Marie-Michèle. «Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois : Corrida d’images: Le volet vidéo se termine ce soir», Le Devoir, Tuesday 9 February 1993.
Light, Shadow, Picture, Painting, Portrait, Child