The Bodily Hygiene: for an Anthropology of the Modern Man

Bodily Hygiene: An Anthropology of the Modern Man. A series of daily routines punctuated by short phrases revealing advice on how to live, including instructions and slogans. Evocative of a collective intimacy.
Technical information
“In this video, Laëtitia Bourget films herself while carrying out various acts determined by codes of hygiene : scrubbing the smelly parts of her body, shaving her legs, brushing her teeth... After each scene, a sentence crosses the screen which decrees the principle of the action in terms we might imagine have been taken from a hygiene manual. The body is depersonalised, the tight framing isolates each art of the body. The image that results is thus that of a body in pieces, governed by strict rules. There is no longer an overall identity, only ears to be cleaned, hair to wash, parts of the body to dress. This mise en scène corresponds to the education we receive: individuals are urged to repress their relationship with their own body from this impersonal and fragmented perspective, taught by laws outside of them”.
ROMAN, Mathilde. “De l’image du corps à la corporéité biologique: Laëtitia Bourget”, Art vidéo et mise en scène de soi (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2008) (, consulted January 7, 2011.)
Routine, Hygiene, Body, Intimacy, Everyday life