The Weight of the Sun and the Moon

The sun sets. Rocks placed on the ground must be picked up. Hold the sun. Carry the moon.
Technical information
"Work following A Box of His Own, embraces the physical tradition of silent film; most specifically, The Weight of the Sun and the Moon. The physical performance itself harkens the torturous tasks assigned to prisoners of war but the physical endurance is affectionate. Sewraj’s Chaplin-esque hat accentuates tragicomedy in his gait generated by the weight the subject bares. Given this infusion of tender intention greater power is given to the function of endurance. The marriage of prose and endurance art creates an expression that is at once poetic and firmly grounded in a playful physicality. There is a sensuality present given the role of the body, the vehicle through which Sewraj is laid bare – the artist is the subject."
INKSTER, Dana. "Video Works of Yudi Sewraj: Endurance", 2005 [] (Consulted on June 2th 2011)
Cycle, Weightlessness, Gravity, Perspective, Fable, Planet