Viewers of Optics

"Observing events through an optical instrument places the observer in a unique position in that he can follow the course of events closely but from a reasonably safe distance. In Viewers of Optics, we are told about just such an authentic eye-witness report. Before us stands a desolate landscape. A voice off-screen delivers a poetic account of a disaster which has overtaken this area. Through bits and pieces of witnesses' accounts, we hear of a murder committed, the destruction of nature, etc. It is this sensation of observing from a safe distance, combined with electronic music by Pierre Henry, that makes Viewers of Optics so impressive to watch. But Viewers of Optics offers more than this : the objects, landscapes and spaces observed in this way become at the same time signs and metaphors for the reality of inner silence."
Henry Kamphizen
Technical information
Experimental, Image, Vision, Disaster, Murder