Women Walking

Women of all ages emerge from the shadow and together, walk towards a light. Guided by their instincts, they will face and transcend their own limits. A tribute to the feminist movement and their long march begun many generations ago, which, from woman to woman, is changing the world and transforming our society. Inspired by his pictorial research, Yoakim Bélanger, visual artist and filmmaker, gives us a personal look at the beauty and strength of women.
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“Here we are then in a place where politics is not self-evident. It requires work, delayed time, improbable detours and a maximum of energy in order to achieve perhaps a minimum result. A little more complicated than believing that a ballot cast will change everything. I could cite numerous examples, but will mention only one, which I have just discovered : Ces femmes qui marchent (Women Walking, 2012, 7 min. 38 sec.) by the Québécois filmmaker Yoakim Bélanger. Women of every age, nude, emerge from the shadows and walk together towards a light source. They advance, stand still, open their mouths to let out a cry that we will not hear. Their facial features become calm. A serenity that contains all their strength. A strength that is much more than power. It is the strength of a sovereign being who poses in the moment, in a present that asks nothing in return. A strength that gives never-before-seen meaning to beauty. At the end of the video, we see them from behind, walking towards the light, a whiteness that is going to absorb them in an eternity, perhaps”.
MERCIER, Marc. “Itinérances vidéographiques - Art vidéo et politique”, 24 images 158 [http://www.revue24images.com/archives.php?type=extraits&edition=158#1491]
Beauty, Body, Woman, Shadow, Light, Strength