Parallel to his artistic practice, Ross, who is a witch, was the first chaplain to visit Pagan prisoners in Corrections Services Canada institutions in Quebec. The artist is interested in minority religious expression in Québécois and Canadian art history, particularly in the current climate of intolerance towards certain religious faiths. Emblematic of the artist's queer ritual sensibility, this work was created during the 4 years he visited prisoners in federal prisons in Quebec to pray, listen and practice divination.
Technical information
XII - video installation
XII can be shown as a screening or a single-channel video installation. In that case, the space of the screening is occupied by various objects from rituals: three bundles of dry sticks tied together with twine roughly 1m x 50cm; a plinth with glass vitrine with exhibition space of at least 40cm x 40cm; and two dress forms to mount costumes.
Technical needs:
-HD video projector
-Transparent screen
-Chain for hanging transparent screen
-Beanbag floor seating (1)
Prison, religion, witch, paganism, queer, censorship