Chant en 14 temps

With abstract and poetic imagery, Chant en 14 temps explores moving image and features a traditional Syrian song that was written by Omar El Batch in Alep around 1900. The form of this song is specific to the Muwashah’s poem written on 14 rhymes.
Technical information
Produced as part of Serendipity, a creation project that highlighted the artistic contributions of communities of Asian origin in the cultural life of Montréal and Québec. This project was the result of a close collaboration between Accès Asie Festival and Vidéographe.
Building on chance, encounter and exchanges, Serendipity gathered 11 Québec artists of Cambodian, Iranian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Lebanese, Mongolian and Vietnamese origin who collaborated for eight months to create new works in duo or trio. Thus, artists working with animation, documentary, video art and installation paired with composers and musicians who experiment with their voice or with various instruments such as: the santor, the Japanese flute, the Kamancheh and computers in order to establish a dialogue based on their respective approach.
Music, singing, Syria, poetry