U - Champions

"Mutt and Jeff meet Felix in a battle for the letter "U". Using old black and white cartoons and contact-printed 35 mm film that I scratched on, I combined the three elements into a primordial soup."
Rick Raxlen
Technical information
"...taped some vintage silent mutt and jeff and felix bits in a basement in victoria: used hi-8 for that...
...contact-printed some words and images from 35 mm to 35 mm which was transferred to vhs cause i do not have 35 mm viewing capabilties...
...took the raw material to the flyer-toaster machinery at brad's...
...dialed up a few different styles of the letter U, since this originally was part of Montreal-based Videographe's alphabet tape...
...edited it all together into what might be called a kind of eye-candy..."
RAXLEN, Rick. «U-Champions», [http://raxpix.com/uchamps.htm] (site consulted August 16, 2017).