The Hundred Videos - Volume 1

After 10 years of audiovisual production, Steve Reinke's goal is to produce 100 videos before the year 2000. In the videos that he has already completed, he deals with all subjects, but focuses mainly on identity, desire, and individual memory issues. These videos are available individually, or as a series of five volumes.
Excuse of the Real (4min.31) / Family Tree (3 min.30) / Watermelon Box (0 min.46) / Family Planning (1 min.) / Eleven Dreams (6 min.32) / Emergence of Democratic Memory (2 min.58) / Speculative Anthropology (2 min.30) / Why I Stopped Going to Foreign Films (5 min.19) / I Am Not Like You (2 min.10) / Barely Human (3 min.25) / Room (4 min.01) / Michael & Lacan (10 min.56) / Joke (Version One) (4 min.56) / Joke (Version Two) (4 min.10)
Technical information
"Reinke is best known for The Hundred Videos, which he produced between 1990 and 1997, many while completing his MFA at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. The longest is just shy of eleven minutes, the shortest a mere fifteen seconds. Their brevity, their frequent visual rawness and the fact that much of the footage is appropriated from security cameras and daytime television, make them seem casually tossed off. [...] These fake testimonials and documentaries, substituting one person's voice or persona for another's, demonstrate the arbitrariness of the traits whereby we usually define individuality. The Hundred Videos enact dissolutions of the self, of the illusion of distinct personalities, in the age of television."
METCALFE, Robin. «Black Box: The Videos of Steve Reinke», Parachute, Montreal, no 100, (october-november-december 2000), p. 90-94.
Compilation, Memory, Individuality, Desire