The Hundred Videos - Volume 5

After 10 years of audiovisual production, Steve Reinke's goal is to produce 100 videos before the year 2000. In the videos that he has already completed, he deals with all subjects, but focuses mainly on identity, desire, and individual memory issues. These videos are available individually, or as a series of five volumes.
No Sound on the last 5 titles.
The Boxers (1.10) / Talk Show (1.18) / The Hand (.46) / I Have Already (.15) / Little Monkeys (2.39) / Stentor (1.38) / New York Loves Me (.59) / Seventeen Descriptions (5.30) / Children's Video Collective (3.20) / Three Dreams (3.15) / 24 Jokes (3.38) / Video For Intellectuals $$ (2.14) / Falling (2.26) / Notes on the Uncanny (3.20) / Manifestation/Jouissance (2.38) / Ants & Bees (1.13) / Ghosts (.38) / Camouflage (1.48) / Underwear (1.58) / Candle (6.00) / Story (1.40) / Why I've Decided to Become a painter (.42)
Technical information
Compilation, Memory, Individuality, Desire